Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Example Market Prediction Results

By A.C.H.

January 28, 2009


Last Trade: 29.75
Trade Time: 4:00PM ET
Change: 0.25 (0.85%)
Prev Close: 29.50
Open: 29.35
Day's Range: 28.63 - 30.63
52wk Range: 27.73 - 119.17

As suggested and foretold with the usual caution, a simple way to make money is hereby demonstrated with success.

The time to buy oil for a simple gain easily followed the previous day’s posting (see January 26-27) and if one had done so as late as today’s market open at 29.35, a single dollar cap would have been realized within the range of 28.63 to 30.63.


Now you see how money can be made within a highly volatile market system. I have never been one to suggest in any way that our current world market will completely fail but rather, it will make the necessary transition unto a central world focus that we hope, will soon remain open seven days a week, around the clock, and minus certain religious days of celebration (non-christian).

Please note that tax structures within the US and other commissions apply especially when selling and buying using this simple method. Stay above your costs and you can survive.

Here I have demonstrated the ability as a psychic to successfully pick a correct target stock and make money within a highly speculative and volatile market system using the commodity oil as an example*. This might seem somewhat miraculous to some who do not yet understand nor “believe” that psychic functioning is a real advantage as per an innate ability within each of us. Remember again that you must be trained to access psychic functioning unless as myself, you have resisted within your lifetime a world of left-brain dominance and ignorance. Like the many muscles in your body, your brain must be exercised in the correct manner or injury due to neglect over a long period of time can happen. An emphasis upon learning to read before the year ages 4-6 will be an example of an imposed injury that can be corrected with training later on in life. Highly gifted children who learn this without the emphasis also tend to gain the advantage of right brain development. Generally, this along with synesthesia will be the exception.

*Perhaps what is most interesting about this relates to the Weekly Petroleum Status Report that had also been speculated to drive oil prices further down and in fact, it did. My demonstration point from this perspective is therefore quite clear. Psychic functioning is an advantage.

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