Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Astounding Prediction of “Swine” Illness

By A.C.H.


Excerpt from Aaron’s show on September 12, 2007 :

The pitch has been reduced so that the listener can easily appreciate the relevant phrases, words, and sounds in reverse speech. Alone without a reversal, the prediction is radiantly clear and accurate. The reverse demonstration chillingly supports a grim future for some.

The message in reference to an infection between “swine and man” and then “man and man…” begins with “six, and six…, exactly six, perhaps to the day…”.

Prediction confirmation:

“At the beginning of June 115 deaths, caused by the new flu, were registered, mostly in Mexico, the United States and Canada. On 6 June the 6th phase of the epidemic – a pandemic was stated.” – From the Ukraine United Nations page at this URL:

It is a fact that as of the sixth day of the sixth month a sixth phase of an epidemic was officially announced thus “six, and six…, exactly six, perhaps to the day…” is identified and understood as an important future development.

Oddly, a question appears after a third “six” as “do you see the dead?”. Other words such as “mutation”, “swine”, and “disease” are noteworthy.


This break in a sequence is common and in retrospect, we notice that a division is accentuated as per the idea of a sixth phase and a similar date.

Remember that this prediction was presented in a public manner with documentation before the H1N1 outbreak.

Related Prediction:

And in Aaron’s blog posting titled ‘InToday’s News’ from the 18th of December, 2008:

“Prophetic: War will beget tyranny, an ending of all hope, and widespread despair. This must be avoided. All but one plan fails as depression nears the West. Sickness in April-June.”

Prediction Confirmation:

“…it is estimated that more than one million people became ill with novel H1N1 flu between April and June 2009 in the United States.”-From the CDC page ‘2009 H1N1 Early Outbreak and Disease Characteristics’ posted on Oct. 2009 at this URL: